Listing Status


Within Buying Buddy we map all listings to one of the following different standard status.

These status may or may not be provided by your MLS data feed.

Buying Buddy standard status:

  1. Coming Soon
  2. Active
  3. For Rent
  4. Under Contract
  5. Sold
  6. Off Market / Deleted

These status can be used in FILTERS.
See Filter Parameters and Options support article for instructions on how to use these.

Status Mapping

The following table explains how all the various status that we receive from MLS are mapped to the Buying Buddy status.

MLS Listing StatusBuying Buddy StatusComments
Coming SoonActiveComing soon listings are treated as Active and are always included in search results with a banner that says "Coming Soon". The search form does not support searching for just 'coming soon' status.
It is possible to create a display of 'coming soon' properties by using the listing_status filter.
For Property Alerts, coming-soon will be shown in the alerts.
Kick OutActiveSeller is still accepting offers and listing is still marketed.
First Right of RefusalActiveThis status gives a potentially interested party the right to buy a property before the seller negotiates any other offers.
Escape ClauseActiveThis clause permits the seller to keep the house on the market and when a second acceptable offer is received, the first buyer is given a short period to waive the sale contingency clause or cancel the first sale agreement so the house can be sold to the next willing and able buyer.
Under ContractUnder Contract
PendingUnder Contract
Pending continue to showUnder Contract
Taking BackupsUnder ContractSeller has accepted an offer to sell the seller can still accept offers in the event that the current offer falls through.
ContingentUnder ContractSeller has received an offer but contingencies need to be met before sale can be finalized.
Option ContractUnder ContractSeller has accepted an offer to sell.
Back On MarketActive
Off Market(deleted)

Please submit a help ticket if you have any questions.

Updated on November 26, 2022

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