Import Leads from CSV

Multiple leads can be added to your account via import of a correctly structured CSV file. This process starts by clicking the Add Leads from CSV option on the Add a Lead panel, or from the Lead Import Settings page.

Menu Leads > [Add More Leads menu panel] Import from CSV

Once you have imported leads, see the "Import Status Report" , which will show you:

  • The status of the import.
  • Option to "REMOVE" all the leads you just imported - in case you need to do it again (see below).

A CSV template file is provided that you can download and use, which will help ensure that your data can be imported. The actual import process should take 5 to 20 minutes at most. If the process does not complete within half an hour please let us know so we can help you get your leads imported.

IDEA! When you import a lot of leads using this method you have the opportunity to attach them to a drip campaign - perhaps to welcome them to your new website, and include their login details etc. You should prepare this first.

Preparation and Planning

When you initially import leads, there is a great opportunity to setup your leads with additional information, and then send them all a common email or add them all to a common drip campaign.

A. On a lead-by-lead basis in your original CSV file, for example:

  • Add categories and tags to each lead
  • Add sales forecast details for each lead
  • Specify a star "rating" for each lead
  • Assign each lead

B. Or, some information and actions can be applied to ALL the imported lead records in Step-3, for example:

  • Apply additional common Tags to all imported leads
  • Specify a STAR rating for each lead if none is set on a lead record
  • Send a common email to all imported leads
  • Attach a common drip campaign to all imported leads
  • Assign leads to one of your agents (for multi-user)?


Categories and Sales Steps must be set up in your account BEFORE importing.
In most cases, the value we import is the ID of that category or sales step. See field instructions below. For example, you can categorize your leads as: Buyer, Seller, Investor, Friend etc. - but then in the import record, specify the ID of this value

Tags are created on-the-fly. Tags will be created in your account if they dont already exist.

Sales Steps are part of the sales forecast system, which is a great way to track the progression of a lead through a sequence of steps. There are 3 optional fields:
- Create a multi-step sales process (Sales Steps) and then you can identify each lead to be on a specific step such as 2,4,6 etc
- Add a forecast VALUE - for example a lead might be worth $4000 commission
- Add a forecast date e.g. 09/12/17

Create a CSV file

The best approach is to download the template CSV file on the import page and use this as a basis for assembling your data.
Click here to download a CSV template file.

For a full explanation of these fields and how to use them, read Import API Field Reference. All fields are optional however if there is no first or last name then the record will be skipped.

Fields in RED: Be careful to understand the values that are required in these fields.

Field NameFormatNotes On Use
First Nameplain textMandatory - either First Name or Last Name must be specified
Middle Nameplain textAny text, initials etc
Last Nameplain textMandatory - either First Name or Last Name must be specified
Emailplain text 
Phoneplain text 
Mobile Phoneplain text 
Work Phoneplain text 
Faxplain text 
Companyplain text 
Job Titleplain text 
Addressplain text 
Address 2plain text 
Cityplain text 
Stateplain text 
Zip Codeplain text 
TagsComma separated list of keywords(tags)Comma separated list of tags e.g. "fishing, golf, buyer, friend, first time buyer"
You can also apply additional common Tags to all leads in Step-3
Ratingblank, or number (1,2,3,4,5)This sets the STAR rating for a lead
If this is left blank then you can set this for all leads in Step-3.
mbbusercharactersFor a Multi-User account, then you can "Assign the lead" by specifying the "Referral ID" for a user / agent in your account - e.g. "sfsGGhbv"
Category IDComma separated list of category ID numbersUse Category IDs not the "Category name". IDs can be found in "Manage Groups and Categories" admin page in LAC. Categories MUST BE ADDED TO YOUR ACCOUNT BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO IMPORT.
Lead Type IDA single valid numberNumeric value: 1=New Lead (default value), 2=Prospect, 4=Client, 10=Past Client, 15=Referral Partner, 20=Sphere, 90=Archived
Signup MethodA single number (1,2,3 .. etc)Numeric value: 1=Manual Entry, 2=Create Account, 3=Save Search, 4=Save Listing, 5=Lead Capture Form, 6=API Import, 7=SPS Generated Lead, 8=Mobile Registration, 9=CSV Import, 10=Zillow Tech-connect API,,
Sign Up Page URLURLURL where lead signed up. For example ""
Campaign Sourceplain text NO SPACESYour Ad Campaign Source reference, e.g. "Radio_Campaign_September"
Buying Time FrameA single number (1,2,3,4,5)1="Now", 2="Within 3 months", 3="3 to 6 Months", 4="6 to 12 months", 5="More than a year"
Mortgage StatusA single number (1,2,3)1=Need one, 2=Prequalified, 3=None
Agent AgreementA single number (1 or 0)blank / 0=Not sure or does not have an agent agreement in place, 1=Does have agent agreement in place
Global Optoutblank or "Y"Setting this value to be "Y" will ensure lead received NO communications
Additional Contact First Nameplain text 
Additional Contact Last Nameplain text 
Additional Contact Emailplain text 
Additional Contact Phoneplain text 
Additional Contact Relationshipplain text 
Additional Contact CC on Alertsblank or "Y"Set this value to be "Y" to receive alerts
Sales Forecast Pipeline StatusnumberThis is the Sales Step - a numeric step number comes from the first column in:
CRM Settings > Sales Steps
Sales Forecast Revenueplain textFor example 4000
Sales Forecast Closing Datemm/dd/yyyy
You MUST correctly format the DATE in your CSV or the import will fail.
For example 09/22/2015 or 2015-09-22

Notice the use of forward slashes "/" in the one format - and dashes "-" in the other.
Commentsplain textImported to the Lead's "sticky notes / comments" field on the lead profile. (This is NOT a "note" that is shown in the lead history).
NOTE (as of July 2-18) - Special characters (including "line breaks") will be imported but may not be displayed correctly when viewed in the LAC.

All other columns will be ignored.

Step-1: Upload and Confirm Fields

Menu Leads > Add More Leads

Click the option to "Import Leads From A CSV File".

In Step-1

  1. Click "choose File" to select the CSV file with your leads
  2. Then continue to Step-2

Step-2: Match Data Columns

Once your CSV file is uploaded, you will be given the opportunity to confirm that your data fields are correctly matching system fields before proceeding.

Adjust the headings in the table so ensure that each column is correctly labeled.

Step-3: Confirm Import Settings

Step 3.1 Analysis

The first panel you will be shown is an analysis of the CSV file.

Step 3.2 Import Actions for All Leads

The last step allows you to see a summary of the leads found and allow you to make the following decisions (which will apply to all leads being imported):

  1. Associate a Website
    All leads need to be associated with an authorized domain.
  2. Who to assign leads to
  3. Send a specific email (from your templates) to all the leads (good option if you want to send a customized 'welcome' message to new leads)
  4. Attach a common Drip Campaign (good option if you want to send a sequence of multiple custom messages)
  5. CC emails to additional contacts
  6. Set a Star Rating
  7. Set additional common lead tags. These can be existing or new tags.
  8. Set a common password
  9. Send any notifications

If you already have a large number of leads in your CSV file, and they are already assigned to agents in your Team, setup those agents as Users in your Leads and Contacts account, and replace the Agent's name with their User Referral ID. This is shown in the LAC on the Users Profile page under their photo.
Once your leads are imported, you will receive a notification email.

Duplicate leads will not be imported. The import log will list any duplicate leads identified.

Import should take 5 to 20 minutes at most. If the process does not complete within half an hour please let us know so we can help you get your leads imported.

Updated on December 28, 2023

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